Metrograph presents The Future Looks Bright From Afar, an expansive slate of thought-provoking sci-fi cinema, beginning January 5 at Metrograph In Theater. The Future Looks Bright From Afar runs from January 5 to February 25, with select encore screenings to follow. Titles include 12 Monkeys, Blade Runner: The Final Cut, Children of Men, Gattaca, Ghost in the Shell, Metropolis, Moon, RoboCop – Director’s Cut, Silent Running, Soylent Green, Stalker, THX 1138, Total Recall, and more.
Metrograph Theater & Dystopian Cinema
It seems almost no one is looking forward to a fantastic future of flying cars much anymore, and many would be relieved to know that there’s any kind of future at all in store for us… but as this series shows, such grim prognostications are nothing new. Bringing together a collection of dystopian and speculative science-fiction films that envisage coming times marked by creeping authoritarianism, government surveillance, and technological “advancement” leading to regressions in human self-fulfillment, “The Future Looks Bright From Afar” offers a look at the many ways in which past generations have described the shape of things to come with fear and trembling.
dir. Terry Gilliam, 1995, 129 min, 35mm

dir. Ridley Scott, 1982/2007, 117 min, 35mm

dir. Alfonso Cuaron, 2006, 109 min, DCP

dir. Andrew Niccol, 1997, 106 min, DCP

dir. Mamoru Oshii, 1995, 83 min, DCP

dir. Fritz Lang, 1927, 153 min, 35mm

dir. Duncan Jones, 2009, 97 min, DCP

dir. Paul Verhoeven, 1987, 102 min, DCP 4K

dir. Douglas Trumbull, 1972, 89 min, 35mm

dir. Richard Fleischer, 1973, 97 min, DCP

dir. Andrei Tarkovsky, 1979, 162 min, DCP

dir. George Lucas, 1971, 86 min, 35mm

dir. Paul Verhoeven, 1990, 113 min, DCP