I’ve had plenty of experience trying various apps, sites, products and more for the benefit of my mental health. Like certain medications and routines, these things aren’t one-size fits all for the mind. But I’ve decided to share a few of the resources that have helped me, because maybe they’ll help you too. Plus, there’s no handing over your credit card just to access it!
Finch: Self Care Widget Pet
“Meet your new self care best friend! Finch is a self care pet app that helps you feel prepared and positive, one day at a time. Take care of your pet by taking care of yourself! Choose from a wide variety of self care exercises personalized for you. Struggling with stress, mental health, or need motivation? Is self care a chore? Finch makes self care finally feel rewarding, lightweight, and fun. Complete quick self care exercises to grow your pet, earn rewards, and improve mental health! People who struggle with mental health, goals, meditation, and journaling found it easier to be mindful with their self care pet in the Finch app!”

The Finch app has been a saving grace for me. The immediate resources and breathing guides for those bad days or weeks alongside a way to look back on your mood is fantastic. You can go to premium and pay for such, but you don’t have to in order to enjoy the app. It helps to be able to look back a trends in your moods, activities and what comes up in reflections.
You Feel Like Shit (website)
Sometimes you just need a website similar to a flow chart to help figure out in what ways you’re not taking care of yourself. Trust me, it helps.
Headspace Meditation Videos (YouTube)
“Headspace is guided meditation for everybody. Relax with guided meditation sessions that will help you rest and reset after a long day”
Sometimes a quick and simple guided meditation is the blessing for an anxious mind or lowered self-esteem. I’m not typically able to concentrate on long meditations, so having these videos available on YouTube has been really great for breaks between working on my laptop most of the day.
OOPmarie – ADHD Co-Working Twitch Stream
About Marie: “Hey, I’m Marie (she/her)! I’m a coding bootcamp grad (and librarian! 📚) on the job hunt. I find it easier to focus and stay motivated when I’m working alongside someone else. Come hang out and let’s get the hard stuff done together! 💖”
Stream Description: “We co-work/study together and shenanigan on breaks. I do my best to remain relentlessly positive. An absolute hype machine.”

With an adorable mini camera on the cat known as “Little Man” and reminders that each task, no matter how small, is important. Using body doubling, monotasking and a pomodoro technique it has helped me get things done and practice a lot of self-compassion and self care.
ADHD For Smart Ass Women (podcast)
“This podcast with over 3 million downloads is for smart, high-ability ADD/ADHD (diagnosed or suspecting) women who see their symptoms as more positive than negative. If you want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and discover where your brilliance lies, this podcast is for you!”

I’ve felt so much better about the way my brain works and what I offer to the world and to myself through this podcast. The episodes vary and have some unique and creative individuals offering their own advice on navigating the world with this type of neurodivergent brain.