I’ve established a better connection with the magical and sacred parts of myself and The Kitchen Witch has only helped heighten that. Written by Skye Alexander, with a foreword by Arin Murphy-Hiscock (author of The Green Witch), this book navigates the important methods of grounding yourself and aligning your intentions.
Adams Media will be publishing The Kitchen Witch on July 11th, just in time to summon your inner summertime magic. I’m more of a fall and winter witch, but I’ll always be advocating for everyone to connect with whatever season speaks to them. Access to pre-ordering or learning about where you can purchase the book is available on Simon & Schuster’s website.
About ‘The Kitchen Witch’ Book:
Every house witch knows: the kitchen is an essential part of your magical practice. From preparing food to enjoying a meal, it’s important to honor the process of making a dish, to appreciate each individual ingredient, and to make magic from the recipes you already know and love. First, dive into the world of kitchen magic and spellwork; then go back to the basics to learn the magical properties, qualities, and symbolism of 100 essential everyday ingredients so that you can learn to add a little magic to every meal.
You’ll learn:
-That chocolate is associated with love, but different types of chocolate are connected with different types of love from romance to friendship
-That figs promote safety while traveling, so you may want to incorporate figs into a dish before your next vacation
-That you should choose your pasta wisely for different shapes are associated with different outcomes
-That onion can be used for healing, and the tears the onion causes when you cut it can be just as important as the dish you make with it
-And much more!
Excerpts from ‘The Kitchen Witch’
Spell to Attract AbundanceÂ
This spell takes nine days to complete (nine is the number of fulfillment), so find a place where the materials can remain safely for that period of time. It’s best to start this working on the day after the new moon. As the moon grows in light, so will your blessings. Before you begin, take some time to think about what abundance means to you. For many people, money represents abundance. Maybe good health, a loving family, and friends are also part of your abundance picture.Â
Materials NeededÂ
9 objects that symbolize abundance to you
1 tray, platter, or casserole dish large enough to hold all the objects you’ve chosen
1 golden, silver, or green pillar candle big enough to burn for 90 minutes, in a glass or metal container (if possible, use a candle you’ve made yourself)
Fresh mint leaves
Fresh parsley sprigs
Matches or lighterÂ
Steps to TakeÂ
- Collect the objects you’ve chosen to symbolize abundance.Â
- In the center of the tray, platter, or casserole dish, set the candle in its container.Â
- Lay some mint leaves and parsley sprigs around the candle. You will be repeating this action every day, so don’t use up all the mint and parsley at once.
- On the first day of this spell, select one of the objects you’ve chosen to symbolize abundance and place it on the tray, platter, or casserole dish. Say aloud a short statement of gratitude for having whatever the object represents in your life (even if it hasn’t yet materialized).Â
- Light the candle and let it burn for at least 10 minutes before snuffing it out. (Note: Don’t leave burning candles unattended.)Â
- On the second day, replace the wilted or dried mint and parsley with fresh herbs.Â
- Select another of the objects you’ve chosen and place it on the tray, platter, or casserole dish, alongside the first item you put there. Say aloud a short statement of gratitude for having whatever the object represents in your life (even if it hasn’t yet materialized).Â
- Light the candle and let it burn for at least 10 minutes before snuffing it out.Â
- Repeat these steps each day.Â
- On the ninth day, let the candle burn down completely.Â
Long Weavings Some spells take days, weeks, or months to enact. They may even dip back into the past, perhaps drawing on factors from your youth, your ancestry, or previous lifetimes. These long weavings can be very powerful and have far-reaching effects. In some cases, they may involve a number of other people. Because of their scope and intensity, they can require the witch to spend time doing self-examination and preparation—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically—before beginning the magical working.Â
Excerpted from THE KITCHEN WITCH by SKYE ALEXANDER. Copyright © 2023 by Simon & Schuster, Inc. Interior illustrations by Claudia Wolf. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.
Connecting to Intention with ‘The Kitchen Witch’
Receiving The Kitchen Witch, I was shocked by the attention to detail. The binding and texture of this hardcover book remind me of something precious I’d find in an antique mall or likely an estate sale. The look and feel bring purpose with it. This is a book that begs for it to be passed down to generations of witches. Although brand-new, it honestly feels like a comforting book to have among others that are important to me.
Along with the book including a fantastic attention to detail, it feels as if it’s something passed down to me by a loved one or a grandmother. The elements of grounding, intention, and meditation are highlighted in almost every section of this book in different ways. Emphasis on bringing the confidence of magic to other parts of life was eye-opening.
Weaving magic into everyday life and items, this book helped guide me to better understand the type of witch I may be. Restrictions and strict guidelines on exploring your inner witch aren’t welcome in this book. Instead, it engages readers to participate (or try) in exploring the definitions of kitchen, house, and green witches.
The Kitchen Witch makes sure to address the old way of thinking when it comes to the home and a “woman’s place.” This was amazing to see included, along with history of witchy topics such as hearth magic. Being able to reference quickly or do a deep dive into the content of the book is an important element. This guide was easy to connect with and I’m happy to have a resource like it. The Kitchen Witch is available for pre-order and officially publishes on July 11, 2023.